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OLB Stocking Stuffers 2019

OLB Stocking Stuffers 2019

I don't know about you, but I always have the hardest time finding the perfect gift for each of my friends and family members. I worry about whether they'll like it or whether someone else is going to get them something better. Honestly, I just end up feeling lost, but sometimes, the best presents don't need to be big or crazy. Sometimes, it's that simple floral scrunchie that perfectly captures your sister's personality that makes all the difference. To make things a little easier, we wrote a holiday gift guide last week, and this week, we've put together a list of thirteen stocking stuffers that are sure to make someone smile this holiday season.

1. Scrunchies

I'm calling it now. Scrunchies are NEVER going out of style. Sure, they fell out of the running after the nineties, but it's 2019, and we're not letting that happen again. With over a dozen options on our site, you'll be sure to find the right one for whoever you have in mind.

2. Earrings

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is by wearing bling on both your ears. Okay, so maybe those aren't the original words, but you can never have enough earrings...right? That's what I tell myself, anyways. Whenever I leave the house without earrings, I feel like a part of me is missing (I'm dramatic, I know). My current OLB favorite is our Abstract Idea Earrings. With a versatile color scheme and just the right amount of pop, they'll make a perfect stocking stuffer.

3. Necklaces

With necklaces, you really can't go wrong. From as far back as the Titanic (heck, before that even), necklaces have been the perfect gift to show someone how much you care about them. Our current selection showcases a few styles that are simple and sweet, and sure to make a great addition to any jewelry box.

4. Hair Pins & Clips

I'm 100% okay with hair accessories coming back in style, from scrunchies & hair scarves to pins & clips. Look through our selection and you'll be sure to find a set that's perfect for...well, for anyone with hair. I already know exactly which one I'm getting my sister (shhh...).

5. Scarves

A scarf is one of the most versatile accessories. If you don't know what I'm talking about, head over to this blog post for six ways to style scarves. Check out our Every Moment Scarf for any vintage lover, or maybe our Rise Again Scarf for someone more adventurous. 

6. Socks

We all might groan about it, but if I'm honest, socks are some of my favorite Christmas presents. They're something I never want to buy myself, so I'm secretly a little grateful any time they show up under the tree or in my stocking. With bootie season in full swing, socks play double duty as a fashionable, yet practical, stocking stuffer.

7. Rose Gold Sand Hourglass

This one might not seem traditional, but our Hourglass with Rose Sand would make the cutest addition to any bedroom. I bet you know someone who loves to decorate and is constantly on the lookout for the perfect little touches for their home. Plus, it might teach them a thing or two about time management. (;

8. Bath Bombs

Guys. Melanie raves about these bath bombs. She and her two boys love baths (honestly, who doesn't), and they claim they've never had softer skin than after they use these babies. Not to mention, they smell like heaven. You'll have to come stop by our store to pick these up, but trust me, it'll be worth it. 

9. Chapstick

This is another in-store only purchase, but in case you didn't know, we sell customized OLB chapsticks at our storefront! I can't say enough about these. If where you live is anywhere like Utah, then your skin, lips, & everything else seems to just dry up when the cold comes. Our OLB chapstick helps prevent dry, chapped, or windblown lips, and even helps protect against sunburn! I seem to get some kind of chapstick in my stocking every year, and I'm not even a little bit upset about it.

10. Ice Cream Scoop

I can't count the number of times I've come home from a long day and just needed a bowl of ice cream...not wanted. Needed. (Thank you finals week!). If you're going to use ice cream to solve your problems, why not do it in style? An ice cream scoop is a kitchen staple and an unexpected, but perfect, stocking stuffer. 

11. Sunglasses

Winter may not seem like the time to think about shading your eyes from long hours in the sun, but if you're like me, you're dreaming of long summer days just a few months ahead. Depending on who you're shopping for, you can go with something fresh & fun, like our Finesse Sunglasses, or maybe something a little simpler, like our After Hours Sunglasses. Either way, sunglasses are the perfect way to add a little personality to an outfit. 

12. Makeup

I love love love makeup lately! I think it's a classic stocking stuffer and such an easy gift. We just added two makeup brush kits, an eyeshadow pallet, and a beauty blender set to our site that any beauty lover will love.

13. Facial Masks

Facial masks are the perfect way to rewind after a long week, bond with your roomie, or just keep your face glowy and fresh. I only started using facial masks a few months ago, and they've made the biggest difference. These are an easy, low-cost gift perfect for anyone!

14. Whisk

Moms (or at least my my mom) always seem to want something practical for Christmas. If your mom is the same, look no further for ideas than our One Loved Babe home section. This stainless steel gold whisk is the perfect stocking stuffer for any mom, or anyone living on their own for the first time and realizing microwave meals and Taco Bell only satisfy for so long. 

15. Gift Card

If you're shopping for someone and you just can't decide what would be best for them, you can never go wrong with a gift card. Admittedly, One Loved Babe gift cards aren't physical, but you can always print them out and put them in a cute little greeting card if you want to use them as a stocking stuffer. 

There you have it! Thirteen ways to brighten someone's holiday season. Michael Scott may have thought that presents are all about how much money you spend, but at the end of the day, they're about showing someone you were thinking of them and that you care. Let us know in the comments what your favorite stocking stuffers are!

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